Thursday, October 28, 2010


ON SUNDAY I WAS INTERVIEWD BY A HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR INSPIRING TO BECOME A FASHION STYLIST. LYNDSIE FOUND MY ONLINE PORT ON (my work can also be viewed at ) She sent me a email explain her assignment and her inspiration for working in the fashion industry. I was truly honored to be choose for this interview! At first I was a little nervous because I have only been freelance styling for 3 years and I am still learning the industry as well. I have came a long way.... but my god I still have a tremedmously long road ahead of me, to achieving all my career goals. I wanted to share my story with Lyndsie about a lot of things I went threw. Because NO ONE REALLY HELPED ME. When I first started I emailed so many stylist's that inspired me asking to assit them or just insight on getting into the industry....No one replyed back. I think that was the hardest lesson for me to learn...that everyone is competition. On a brighter note here are some pics from the interview and we went to a early dinner afterwards. Lyndsie's father was also a delight to meet.

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